SoundSuite Music-The largest freshwater lake in the world Nature Clip

Sunday June 11, 2023 / New & News

Lake Baikal is the largest freshwater body in the world. In its depths, more than 23,000 km3 of pure water is stored for future generations, which is 4/5 of Russia's reserves of the most important liquid on the planet and 1/5 of the world's. Its size is amazing: the length from the South-West to the North-East is more than 700 km, width-25-80 km. Baikal is a unique holiday destination. There are many legends and songs about the pond. Hundreds of thousands of travelers from Russia and dozens of other countries of the world want to come to him.
The product of "The largest freshwater lake in the world."created by an author named staisonee, published under the terms of the Creative Commons license "Attribution" ("Attribution") 4.0".
Youtube Link:

Instruments: Drums, Bass, Mellotron & Synths.


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